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Why Guest-Blogging Isn’t Always Great For Link Building

In terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), guest posting, or in tactics, we can say guest-blogging is a resourceful means of networking with other individuals, potential clients, and companies in your industry within the blogging industry, potentially creating a readership and increasing traffic to your blog. The guest posting services is the best way to achieve all these goals of quality linking. 

Increasingly, however, guest-blogging is used solely for building links in terms of SEO. Rather than focussing on creating an insightful contribution to their specific industry, more and more companies are paying to guest-blog on a seemingly irrelevant website just so they can stick a few links that lead back to their company’s site.

Google’s potential interference

Google has already demonstrated its disapproval of links that involve money changing hands. When link exchange became increasingly prevalent, Google cracked down on it. Arguably, it’s only a matter of time before Google notices how low-quality guest posts are also being used to build links, and the search engine giant decides to take action. Always avoid guest posting on networking blogs and low quality blogs only created for the purpose of guest posting or link building

But there’s no proof that Google actually will interfere…

That’s true, yes. But what do you expect to happen when you start associating your company’s name with meaningless, poorly-written guest posts? Your company’s name will become instantly synonymous with spam, and this is something you don’t want your company to be linked with for obvious reasons. As they say, a reputation can take years to build and only seconds to destroy.’

By citing link building as your focus, you will not be able to create valuable, quality guest blogs. Not only that, but this is likely to be noticed by the host site and potentially result in your blog being rejected if they find out that you are using their blog as a  Megri link-building platform. In this eventuality, you may turn to a few websites with less stringent quality measures. If you do this, not only will the quality of the writing do you no favors, but the link will be worth nothing.

So what should I do?

Always remember that cementing your own readership will bring in many more benefits than jamming a few links onto a website for a few quid ever could.

If you dedicate time to creating a guest post, you could actually see visitors sticking around to read; you are much more likely to be accepted by guest-blogging sites with stricter quality measures. It is these websites that tend to have a more active readership, too, so you’re more likely to gain a consistent base of followers who are keen to keep updated on your company’s offerings.

And if you are worried about how you will manage all the things, then choose a trusted guest posting service agency or guest blogging agency that will help you out by all the heavy lifting at reasonable prices to ensure your SEO efforts are headed in the right direction. 

Plus, any sparing links you decide to put in your blog will carry much more authority and value and give you much more than just PageRank juice. They will drive readers to your company’s website, resulting in links from visitors spreading the word about your expertise in retweets, Facebook Likes, and social media bookmarks.

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